Monday, June 24, 2013

4th of July in Washington, D.C.

This is it; we are ready to go!  We've got 29 people ready to take the message of Salvation to those visiting Washington, D.C. for the week of the 4th of July.  The Global Recordings Network team will be on the National Mall handing out CDs of the Gospel message from any of our 6000 languages.  In addition, we will be sharing our faith with others through a variety of other means (crafts, free water, ect.). 

We need your prayers!  Satan would love to put a stop to this mission, but we want the Lord to be able to use us for His glory.  We will be traveling from June 26 - July 6.  Check back here for updates while we are there. 
Please pray for....

Open Hearts and Divine Appointments
Boldness in Sharing
Working Equipment
Logistics and Details
Team Unity