Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Meyer Minutes... What's the Latest?

Here’s the latest…

Finances:  As missionaries, we are dependent on the support (donations from individuals and churches) of others to pay our living expenses.  Our current support levels do not cover our monthly budget so we have trusted that the Lord would provide as He sees fit.  Well, He has and we are so grateful.  Emil had the opportunity to work, preparing taxes, for Team Tax in Temecula during tax season.  This not only provided additional funds, but gave him quite a few opportunities to witness to clients!  In addition to this, Emil does real estate and loans which has kept him busy with the current increase in activity in the housing market.  These additional funds will supplement our monthly support!  Thank you to those who have sent business our way.

GRN:  Emil’s role at GRN is Director of Distribution, but he has currently found himself focused on a much bigger need… increasing both staff and awareness of GRN.  There is so much work to be done, yet so few hands to share in the load.  Emil has already attended a handful of mission/pastor conferences around the US (and leaves for another this weekend) where he has worked with Dale Rickards and other staff to increase the awareness of GRN’s staffing opportunities and ministry resources.  If you know of someone looking to join a mission staff or volunteer, give us a call!

Washington, D.C.:  GRN has an annual mission trip to Washington, D.C. to hand out CDs of the Gospel message to those visiting for the 4th of July.  This year we will be leading a team of 35 to plant seeds in the lives of many!  We are so excited for what the Lord has planned for both our team and those we will encounter.

Becca & Tate:  The girls are winding down the school year and are excited because Becca will be moving up to high school and Tate will be moving up to junior high.  We couldn’t be more humbled by the work the Lord has done in the hearts of each of the girls.  They are beautiful both inside and out and it is truly only by the grace of God!  They will both be joining us on the DC trip and are really growing in their walk with the Lord.

Ecuador:  I, Stacy, have the privilege of joining our church’s team on a mission experience in Ecuador this summer.  I, and three other adults, will be leading 19 high school and college aged young people to work with Waorani tribes there.  We will be working near the town of Shell, helping to build a Waorani church then, traveling to the coast to help run a Waorani Christian family camp.  This will be my third trip to Ecuador and I am really blown away that the Lord would allow me this opportunity! 

Ok, enough said…. just wanted to give you a picture of our past few months and the ones to come. 

We love our ministry team!  Thank you so much to all who are praying, supporting, encouraging, and/or working alongside us in our service to the Lord.  You are all huge blessings in our lives and ministry.