Tuesday, July 17, 2012

DC 2012-Lives Changed & Connections Made

DC 2012 was a success!  Praise the Lord for our team of 5 and the Florida team from Calvary Chapel, St. Petersburg, who graciously housed us, fed us and assisted us in handing out over 2000 cds of the Gospel in over 65 languages and over 4000 dvds of the Jesus Film.  In addition, the Florida team offered people, visiting our nation's capitol, free face painting, caricatures, games, prayer, music, WATER and more!  As people received their free goodies, people from the team shared with them the free gift of salvation.  Praise the Lord for the heat which resulted in over 12,000 cups of water being given... and each of those cups was given with some form of the Gospel message.  In addition to sharing the Gospel, we were able to make quite a few connections with other ministries who saw what an amazing resource GRN cds could be for their own ministries.  One ministry was going to burn their own cds and take them to the Olympics!  The Lord is surely at work.  We are looking forward to next year!  Pray about being a part of "foreign missions on US soil!"  Mark your calendars now for the week of July 4, 2013.