Sunday, July 10, 2016

Celebrating Day 5

We began Day 5, the 4th of July, early in the morning by breaking up into 4 teams to hand out CDs of the parade route.  While people were saving their spot, waiting for the parade to begin, we asked them what language they spoke and gave them a CD.  Over 1000 CDs went out in an hour!  The Lord held back the rain for some time, but when it did come we zipped up the tent.  Some hunkered down to play some games inside while others went to tour the museums for a bit.  Both Pastor Eddie and Pastor Derek had opportunities to share the plan of salvation from the stage to those passing by on the mall.  There were many witnessing opportunities and sweet conversations with visitors.  The night ended with a fireworks celebration, reminding us of the freedoms we still have here in the United States. 

Part of the 4th of July Parade in front of the White House

Pastor Eddie & Pastor Derek shared the Gospel for ALL to hear!
Becca and Eddie had a chance to play some worship music from stage

Witnessing opportunities
It rained a portion of the day so we hunkered down in the tent

Celebrating our freedoms in this beautiful country!

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