Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Tagalog, Vietnamese, Korean... Oh My!

Tony (aged 8) "loves his job" of giving people the Gospel message in their language!  See the security guard in red?  He came by to let us know that as he was walking the festival he was praying for our team. 

This was our first year at the San Diego Asian Heritage Festival, but Lord willing, we will return!  With a team of 39 people, we were able to hand out 543 CDs in 33 different languages in a festival that was less than two blocks long.  At least 90% of the festival visitors spoke a language other than English.  This was a wonderful taste of missions for those on our team.  Several team members had the opportunity to have extended conversations with individuals about the saving grace of Jesus Christ.  What a blessed day.  We are praising the Lord for His plan for the day and praying that His Word will not return void.

Brad and Joyce got ready for DC by training on the duplicators!

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